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Radio Frequency (RF) is widely accepted as by far the strongest body skin tightening/lifting & cellulite reduction technology known today and arguably the best facial skin tightening technology too.


This powerful anti-aging treatment firms the skin and boosts circulation; proven to stimulate collagen and elastin production for firmer, more elastic skin and overall skin rejuvination.


Reduce the appearance of fine lines and tighten loose skin.


Induces tissue re-modelling and production of new collagen and elastin by targeting the underlying structure of the skin creating smoother, healthier and younger looking skin.


This safe and relaxing process provides an alternative to face-lift and other cosmetic surgeries.


Clients may see visible improvements as each week progresses with optimal results to to 12 weeks following the treatment


Radio frequency can be performed as a standalone treatment for skin tightening or combined with Laser Lipo + Ultrasonic Cavitation for complete body contouring.


Radio Freqency procedure can be used to:

Lift the brows and tightening the skin on the forehead

Thicken and tighten the skin under the eyes

Lift and diminish large pores on the cheeks and mid-face

Reduce jowls and sagging along the jaw line

Tighten skin and diminish wrinkling on the neck

Tighten skin on the stomach post pregnancy or from weight loss

Other body areas such as arms, legs and buttocks

Radio Frequency is also used to enhance the results of Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation


Reduced appearance of fine lines and tighten loose skin after the first treatment with optimal results around 6-12 sessions.


Treatment session take 15-45 minutes per area.


As it’s a heat based treatment it’s likely to cause further inflammation and make redness worse if you’ve got rosacea, and it’s not advisable if you’ve got broken blood vessels or capillaries. As with most aesthetic treatments, it’s also not suitable if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is normal for the area to feel warm immediately after the procedure.

The treated area may be flushed, red and feel tingly

🚫Do not wax the treated area for 3-5 days

🚫Do not laser the treated area for 2 weeks

🚫Do not exfoliate the skin for 2-3 days

🚫Avoid hot baths, steam rooms and massage for 24 hrs after treatment

🚫Avoid sun burn during the healing process of the skin for 2 weeks after treatment

✅Apply SPF 30 daily

✅Drink plenty of water

May cause skin irritation, bruising and/or redness

Radio Frequency (RF) Treatment

C$299.00 Regular Price
C$199.00Sale Price
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